If you are using the search term “veneers Lakeview,” then you might be looking for a quality dentist who can improve the appearance of your smile. Veneers, bonding, and bleaching are effective options for dental staining, however, the type of staining you have will determine the best treatment option. Here are some ways you can differentiate between intrinsic and extrinsic tooth staining:
Intrinsic Stains
Intrinsic staining refers to dental stains that are not on the surface of the tooth. For example, expectant mothers who took the antibiotic tetracycline during pregnancy may have a child who has deep grey or brown stains on his or her teeth that are resistant to bleaching. Intrinsic staining can be corrected with porcelain veneers, which are little “jackets” that are affixed over the teeth. Unlike laser bleaching, veneers do not eliminate the stains. They simply hide them.
Extrinsic Stains
The most common type of tooth staining is extrinsic staining. These stains are caused by highly pigmented foods and beverages such as coffee, tea, blueberries, and red wine. In-office bleaching procedures and home whitening strips can lighten your teeth by many shades, however, if the aforementioned foods are consumed regularly after your bleaching treatment, the procedure will need to be repeated.
Bleaching is not a permanent option, but it is an effective one. Extrinsic stains can also be caused by medications such as liquid iron preparations. To reduce the risk for iron-related stains, consume the solution through a straw so that contact with your dental enamel is minimized. If the liquid iron does get on your teeth, quickly rinse your mouth out with water or brush your teeth before the stains have set in.
The next time you perform an online search for “veneers Lakeview,” find the website of Dental Professionals of Lincoln Park to learn how they can help improve your smile.