Our Maryland Massage School is Accredited through ACCET,
Accrediting Council for Continuing Education and Training:
Why Accreditation?
Accreditation serves the interests of companies, agencies, and the public through the establishment of standards, policies, and procedures in conjunction with an objective third-party professional evaluation designed to identify and inspire sound education and training practices. When such a process is matched by an institution’s commitment to high standards and accountability, a partnership for quality becomes reality.
Educational Objectives
There are many ways in which learning and growth take place. We focus on three areas: development of knowledge and skills, professional preparation, and personal and communal growth.
Our intention is:
RTo provide students with safe and supervised learning experiences which promote the health and well-being of themselves and their clients.
RTo provide a thorough working knowledge of both the structure and function of the human body and the theory and practice of therapeutic massage modalities.
RTo prepare students to become qualified and technically skilled massage therapists. RTo offer students the space and the opportunity to become more fully present in their own body/heart/mind.
RTo provide an intimate learning environment.
RTo model a professional attitude with a commitment to ethical practices toward clients and fellow practitioners.