There are several different types of braces West Bloomfield. The kind you get depends on several factors. It’s best to start by making an appointment with your orthodontist to discuss your options.
Braces can be made for children, teenagers or adults. They help straighten teeth that are crooked or overcrowded. They also help correct overbites and underbites. The braces slowly shift the teeth into proper alignment. Braces these days are made of a few different types of material but the most popular are ceramic and metal. There are also brackets and rubber bands that sometimes go with braces. All of these things can be confusing to someone considering braces so it’s best to let your orthodontist describe what each one does.
When you make an appointment with the orthodontist, he or she will take x-rays of your teeth and determine the exact type of treatment that is needed. The extent of your treatment depends on the severity of your teeth problems. In some cases, surgery or extractions may be necessary. The orthodontist will also determine if you will need to wear headgear. They will also tell you the amount of time the braces West Bloomfield may need to be worn. This can be anywhere from one to three years. If you are interested in clear or “ceramic” braces, talk to your orthodontist to find out what the cost difference is between regular metal braces and ceramic ones. There are also braces that are virtually invisible when worn. They are also removable. While this is a popular choice among teens and adults, it is important to consider the cost. They are quite a bit more expensive than traditional braces. Another type of “invisible” braces are made of sapphire. They are translucent on your teeth. These are also more costly than traditional braces but for people who are self conscious about the way metal braces look, it is a good alternative.
One type of braces West Bloomfield that may be harder to come by are Lingual braces. These types of metal braces are placed behind the teeth, making them invisible to other people. Orthodontists have to be specially trained in providing lingual braces so they are not offered by every orthodontist. Check with yours to see if they are available.
No matter what type of braces you decide on, you will need to take extra care of them. Brushing is a bit more of a challenge, but you need to keep up on your daily oral care to keep cavities away. Also, avoid foods that can get stuck in the braces such as hard candy, taffy, gum, caramel and popcorn. Hard and chewy candy and foods can actually bend or break your brace West Bloomfield. For more information on how to keep your braces and your teeth clean, talk to your orthodontist.
Braces West Bloomfield – Call an orthodontist today to discuss getting braces West Bloomfield. You will be pleased at the results you will get from braces West Bloomfield.