You Can Choose Between Veneers And Lumineers In San Jose

by | Sep 5, 2013 | Dental Care


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Do you have teeth that are crooked, chipped or misshaped? Do you have stains on some of all of your teeth that can’t be improved on even with a professional whitening? How about some older dental work that needs to be updated? You need to discuss what some of your options are to get your smile back. Your may recommend seeing a cosmetic dentist to see if you would be a good candidate for porcelain veneers to be bonded right onto your teeth.

Often crooked or chipped teeth can be fixed through the use of veneers. The same is true if you have some teeth that haven’t grown in properly spaced. You can discuss the use of veneers to bring out your perfect Hollywood smile.

When you talk to the cosmetic dentist, they may discuss the possibility of using lumineers in San Jose
. If cost is the major factor in your decision, then you may have to decide between dentures, partials or veneers. While lumineers can be more costly, they can give you beautiful porcelain teeth implants that will look and feel exactly like your natural teeth.

Sometimes using dentures, partials or lveneers will make you look older that you would like to look. Using lumineers will give you a more attractive smile without making you look older than you actually are. Not only will getting your teeth replaced with lumineers not make you look older, they can actually make you look a bit younger because your new teeth will be sparkly white and look absolutely gorgeous.

The great thing about lumineers is that they are bonded over your natural teeth. The structure is left completely intact. Lumineers can be placed right over bridgework or crowns and you won’t have any of your tooth structure removed like you would with veneers.

When you consider that with just a couple of appointments to get your lumineers, you can have a great looking smile that can last over 20 years. Your friends won’t even know that you have had dental work done. All they will notice is that you smile more and that your smile “somehow” looks much better than they remember.

If you have stained, chipped, crooked teeth or have spaces between your teeth, don’t put off getting a referral to a cosmetic dentist to discuss exactly how get your smile returned to you.

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